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KMID : 0351619670080020313
Kyungpook Medical Journal
1967 Volume.8 No. 2 p.313 ~ p.319
Comparisons of Incorporation Ratesof Intravenously Injected Amino Acid Mixed-C11 into Various Tissues of Rat Fed on High and Low Protein Diets

Comparisens wee made on incorporation of intravenously injected amino acid nixed-C1 ( AI7a1 ?rot^in IZ;~drolysate-C¢¥ ~~ in plasma and tissue prot is between high{ and low protein diet raats.
1) Prelminary erirent reveand ti?at 15 :.ou;s of astin; a~ ter the adn:inistraticn of amino acid mixed .L seemed to be adequate to observe the laxir.ut incorporation cf the amino acid in plaslra ulld liver proteins and the minimum activity of nonprotein-C1 inplasma.
2) The incorporation of amino acid mired-C1 in tissue protein, at the 15th hour of fasting, was remarkably higher in liver, kidney, spleen, adren~,a, and .intestine on ¢¥loth high and lew protein c:ie,, ats.
3) A compaltion of the incorporated C^14 activity in tissue pxetein of both rats revealed a higher tissue protein C¢¥-4 activity in most tissues of low protein diet rats; especially in the liver, it was 2 times as high.
4) Total non-protein-C14 activity excreted in urine for 15 hours showed no significant difference between both rats: in high protein diet rat 6.80.78 % of the injected; and in losvprotein diet rat 5.70.87%.
5) Amino acid nitrogen concentration in each tissur, showed no significant difference between both diets rats.
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